The country marked the 30th anniversary of the declaration of martial law on
September 21. Except for a few, among them Vice President Teofisto Guingona
Jr., the politicians, whether identified with the opposition or with the administration, were conspicuously silent.
It’s easy enough to see why. Some
i am in the process of remembrance, editing and footnoting the memoirs of my lola from 1907 to 1972, that touches on manuel quezon, masonry, the japanese occupation, magsaysay and the anti-huk campaign, and land reform, among others. what happened after martial law, the issue of collaboration and how forgiving we are of collaborators is similar pala to what happened after the japanese occupation. soon enough the leading collaborators were given amesty and welcomed back in government. the attitude of the local ruling powers then was that kung hindi patatawarin ang collaborators, there would be no one left to run government, and what about the country? who will run it? only these collaborators can run government, only they are experienced and knowledgeable enough. a mindset that continues to prevail, of course, as the sons and daughters of these ruling elite are now running the country. dynasty effect.